

大問1 リスニング





<対話文 1>
Meg: Hi, Taro. What did you do last Sunday?
Taro: Hi, Meg. I went to my grandmother’s house to have a birthday party.
Meg: That’s nice.
Taro: In the morning, I wrote a birthday card for her at home. Then I visited her and gave her the card. She looked happy. After that, she made some tea for me.
Meg: That sounds good.
Taro: In the evening, my sisters, mother, and father stade brought a cake for her.
Meg: Did you enjoy the party?
Taro: Yes, very much.
Question: Why did Taro go to his grandmother’s house?

<対話文 2>
Satomi: Hi, John. I’ve been looking for you. Where
were you?
John: I’m sorry, Satomi. I was very busy.
Satomi: I went to your classroom in the morning and during lunch time. What were you doing then?
John: Early in the morning, I gave water to flowers in the school garden. After that, I did my homework in my classroom.
Satomi: Oh, you did. How about during lunch time? I went to your room at one o’clock.
John: After I ate lunch, I went to the library. That was at about twelve fifty. I read some history books there for twenty minutes and came back to my room at one fifteen.
Question: What was John doing at one o’clock?

<対話文 3>
Jane: Hi, Bob. I’m happy that I can come to the concert today.
Bob: Hi, Jane. Yes. Me, too.
Jane: How did you get here today?
Bob: Why? I came by bike from home.
Jane: This morning, I watched the weather news. I think it’ll be rainy this afternoon.
Bob: Oh, really? I’ll have to go home by train and bus. What should I do with my bike?
Jane: After the concert, I will keep it at my house. We can walk to my house.
Bob: Thank you.
Jane: You’re welcome. And you can use my umbrella
when you go back home from my house.
Question: How did Bob get to the concert from home today?

<対話文 1>
ア:To have a birthday party.
イ:To write a birthday card for her.
ウ:To make some tea.
エ:To bring a cake.

<対話文 2>
ア:He was giving water to flowers.
イ:He was doing his homework.
ウ:He was eating lunch.
エ:He was reading some history books.

<対話文 3>
ア:He got there by train.
イ:He took a bus to get there.
ウ:He got there by bike.
エ:He walked there.


<Question 1>では、次のア~エの中から適するものを一つ選びなさい。<Question 2>では、質問に対する答えを英語で書きなさい。

<Question 1>では、質問に対する答えを選んで、その記号を答えなさい。<Question 2>では、質問に対する答えを英語で書きなさい。なお、<Question 2>のあとに、15秒程度、答えを書く時間があります。では始めます。

Hello, everyone. This will be my last day of work at this school. First, I want to say thank you very much for studying English with me. You often came to me and taught me Japanese just after I came here. Your smiles always made me happy. I hope you keep smiling when you study English.
I had many good experiences here. I ran with you in sports festivals, and I sang songs with your teachers in school festivals. I was especially moved when I listened to your songs.
After I go back to my country, I’ll keep studying Japanese hard. I want you to visit other countries in the future. I think English will help you have good experiences there. Goodbye, everyone.

<Question 1> What made Emily happy?
<Question 2> What does Emily want the students to do in the future?

<Question 1>
ア:Studying English.
イ:Student’s smiles.
ウ:Sports festivals.
エ:Students’ songs.



対話文 1 ア

I went to my grandmother’s house to have a birthday party.を参照。

対話文 2 エ

That was at about twelve fifty. I read some history books there for twenty minutes and came back to my room at one fifteen.

対話文 3 ウ

I came by bike from home.を参照。


Question 1 イ

Your smiles always made me happy.を参照。

Question 2 (例)To visit other countries.

大問2 読解、英作文



  1. 高校生のHiroto と、Hirotoの家にホームステイしているアメリカからの留学生のMike は、 夏休みのある土曜日の予定について話をしている。(A) 及び(B)の中に、それぞれ入る語句の組み合わせとして正しいものは、ア~エのうちではどれか。ただし、次のIは、二人が見ている、 東京都内のある地域を紹介したパンフレットの一部である。

Hiroto: Look at this. There are four areas here. My father says we can visit three of them on our one-day trip in Tokyo. There is a *shuttle bus service to and from the station. Which areas do you want to visit,Mike?
Mike: I want to enjoy beautiful views of nature.
Hiroto: I see. How about visiting the (A) ? We can go there by bus.
Mike: That’s nice. I like watching birds and walking in places that are rich in nature. I don’t *mind going up and down a lot of stairs. Let’s go there.
Hiroto: Yes, let’s. Where shall we visit next?
Mike: Both the Mountain Area and the Onsen Area look good to me. I would also like to enjoy local food.
Hiroto: Well, that sounds nice. Which of the two shall we visit first?
Mike: Shall we visit the (B) first? If we do that, we can enjoy hot springs at the end of our one-day trip.
Hiroto: That’s a good idea. Let’s do that.
Mike: Thank you. I’m looking forward to having a good time.
Hiroto: Me, too. I’ll tell my father about our plan.
(注) shuttle bus 往復バス mind 気にするvalley谷

ア:(A) Forest Area (B) Onsen Area
イ:(A) Park Area (B) Onsen Area
ウ:(A) Forest Area (B) Mountain Area
エ:(A) Park Area (B) Mountain Area

  1. 東京都内のある地域を訪れることにしたHiroto とMikeは, インターネットの画面を見ながら話をしている。(A) 及び (B) の中に, それぞれ入る語句の組み合わせとして正しいものは,ア~エのうちではどれか。ただし,次のⅡは,二人が見ている, 東京都内のある地域の施設別来訪者数を示したグラフである。

Hiroto: There are many places to visit in the Mountain Area.
Mike: They all look interesting.
Hiroto: Yes. Here is a *guide book about this area.
It recommends the (A). The book says we can buy fresh vegetables and also enjoy eating *grilled fish there.
Mike: Grilled fish? That sounds delicious. And the *graph says it is the most popular place in this area. Let’s go there.
Hiroto: Yes, let’s. And I think we can visit two more places after that. What other places shall we visit?
Mike: I want to visit the Long Bridge. I’ve heard it’s the most exciting place in this area.
Hiroto: The book also recommends that place. I want to go there, too.
Mike: OK. Let’s go there. Look at the graph again. There are three other places.
Hiroto: Yes. How about going to the *Camp Site? It’s the most popular of the three.
Mike: That sounds nice, but I’m very interested in the history of this area. Shall we visit the (B) ?
Hiroto: Sure. The building was built in the Edo period. It looks interesting.
Mike:I can’t wait to go.
(注) market 市場 guide 案内 grilled 焼いた graph グラフ camp キャンプ

ア:(A) Farmers’ Market (B) Long Bridge
イ:(A) Fishing Site (B) Town Museum
ウ:(A) Farmers’ Market (B) Town Museum
エ:(A) Fishing Site (B) Long Bridge

3. 次の文章は, アメリカに帰国したMike が Hiroto に送ったEメールの内容である。

ア:Mike was very surprised when his father made a plan to visit Japan the next spring.
イ:Mike visited the Mountain Area with his father and enjoyed walking across the bridge.
ウ:Mike read many books to learn more about nature in Japan before he went back to his country.
エ:Mike showed his father a plan to visit Japan because he wanted to meet Hiroto again in Tokyo.

(2)Hiroto は Mike に返事のEメールを送ることにしました。 あなたがHirotoだとしたら,Mikeにどのような返事のEメールを送りますか。次の<条件> に合うように,次の空欄の中に,三つの英語の文を書きなさい。



1 エ

(A)は鳥を見るのが好きという文からPark Areaが最適。
(B)は旅の最後に温泉に入れるとあるので、先に行くのはMountain Areaが最適。

2 ウ

(A)は最も人気な場所という文から、Farmers’ Marketが最適。
(B)は残りの3つの中で歴史を学べるのはTown Museumが最適。

3 (1)ア (2)回答略

イ:一緒にMountain Areaに行ったのはHiroto。



受付時間:10:00~22:00 /土日祝もOK









大問3 読解問題



Maya, Ken and Riko are first-year high school students in Tokyo. Bob is a high school student from the United States. They are the members of the art club and talking in the art room after school.
Maya: We have only one one week to finish our pictures for the *exhibition.
Ken : I think that I can finish a nice picture. I’ve been painting almost every day.
Maya : How about you, Riko?
Riko: I think it’ll be difficult to finish my picture.
Bob: Are you OK? You look tired. Did something happen?
Riko:I’ve almost finished my picture, but I don’t know what to do next.
Maya: I know you’ve worked really hard, Riko. Don’t be worried. 
Ken:  (1)I can understand Riko’s feeling. Just before finishing something, I always worry about it.
Riko:That’s right. I hope many people will enjoy my picture in the exhibition. But I am not *confident about my way of painting now. And I have only one week before the exhibition.
Bob:I had a similar experience, Riko.
Riko:Please tell us about it, Bob.
Bob:I *participated in a Japanese speech contest when I was in my country. Just before the contest, I got very worried. I thought, “Can I speak Japanese well? Will people understand my Japanese?”
Riko:I see. What did you do then?
Bob:Before the contest, I went to see my uncle. He is very good at speaking Japanese. He works for a travel company, and he has visited Japan many times. He listened carefully to my speech and said, “Since last year, you have learned Japanese very well. Don’t be afraid of using it.”
Ken:Did that encourage you?
Bob:Yes, a lot. In the end, I made a good speech and got a prize in the contest.
Maya:(2)That’s wonderful.
Bob:Thank you.
Ken:If you work hard, you will *succeed. You should be confident of that. That’s very important.
Riko:Oh, why do you think so?
Ken:I was not good at running in my junior high school days, so I always got worried before running events. But after practicing very hard for a long time, I got better.
Maya:That is an important *lesson, Ken.
Ken:At a running event in my third year, I didn’t get a prize, but I ran than before. (3)I was happy about that. I realized that I could improve by practicing hard.
Bob:Riko, do you remember? We painted a picture together for a school festival at our junior high school.
Riko:Of course.
Maya:Just before finishing the picture, I got very worried. I thought, “Will people enjoy our picture?”
Riko:I remember! Your feelings at that time were similar to mine now.
Maya:(4)Right. And you said, “We’ve practiced painting for a long time. If we do our best, we’ll finish a nice picture. Don’t worry.”
Ken:That was good advice.
Maya:Now I’ll give that advice to you, Riko.
Riko:Thank you. I understand each of you did well in difficult situations. I’ve *made a lot of effort, and I’m sure I can do it. I’m not worried now.
Bob:You mean you’ll be able to finish your picture, right?
Riko:That’s right.
Maya:(5)I’m happy to hear that.
Ken:Me, too. I think you should be confident.
Bob:I’m looking forward to seeing your picture in the exhibition.
Maya and Ken:Yes, we are, too!
Riko:Thank you very much, everyone.
(注) exhibition 展覧会 confident 自信がある as participate in ~ ~に参加する succeed 成功する lesson 教訓


(1)I can understand Riko’s feeling. とあるが、このようにKenが言った理由を最もよく表しているのは、次のうちではどれか。

ア:Ken has only one week before the exhibition.
イ:Ken always worries just before finishing something.
ウ:Ken has been working really hard to finish his picture.
エ:Ken has been painting his picture almost every day for the exhibition.


(2)That’s wonderful.とあるが、このようにMayaが言った理由を最もよく表しているのは、次のうちではどれか。

ア:Bob has visited Japan many times, and he isn’t afraid of using Japanese now.
イ:Bob was confident that he would succeed in the future thanks to his uncle.
ウ:Bob has learned Japanese very well, and now he can speak it like his uncle.
エ:Bob made a good speech in a Japanese speech contest and got a prize.


(3)I was happy about that.の内容を、次のように書き表すとすれば、【 】の中に、下のどれを入れるのがよいか。
Ken was happy because 【 】.

ア:he ran faster than before in a running event in his third year
イ:he practiced running very hard for a long time for running events
ウ:he got a prize at a running event in his third year after practicing hard
エ:he was able to finish painting his picture before a running event in his third year



ア:Maya gave advice to Riko to encourage her a lot in their junior high school days.
イ:Maya remembered that she would practice painting pictures for a long time with Riko.
ウ:Maya painted a lot of pictures for a school festival at her junior high school.
エ:Maya worried about her picture very much just before finishing it.


(5)I’m happy to hear that.の内容を、次のように書き表すとすれば、【 】の中に、下のどれを入れるのがよいか。
Maya is happy to hear that 【 】.

ア:Riko can’t wait to see pictures with her friends in the exhibition
イ:Bob will do his best in difficult situations for the exhibition
ウ:Riko will be able to finish her picture for the exhibition
エ:Bob can start painting pictures again for the exhibition


【A】 when Maya asked her about her picture for the exhibition. 【B】 while they were talking about one of their memories of a school festival.

Riko didn’t know what to do next to finish her pictureRiko didn’t remember her advice to Maya in their junior high school days
Riko didn’t know what to do next to finish her pictureRiko remember her advice to Maya in their junior high school days
Riko already knew what to do next to finish her pictureRiko didn’t remember her advice to Maya in their junior high school days
Riko already knew what to do next to finish her pictureRiko remember her advice to Maya in their junior high school days



Today, I talked with my friends, Maya, Ken, and Riko after school. At the beginning, Riko was (A) . All of us talked about our own memories and (B) Riko.
I talked about my experience of participating in a Japanese speech contest in the U.S. I still remember that I got very (A) before the contest. I was not confident of my Japanese then. But my uncle (B) me a lot. Thanks to him, I did my best at the contest.
In the end, Riko was feeling better. I hope we’ll all finish our pictures, and the exhibition will succeed. I’m looking forward to the exhibition.

ア:(A) worried (B) understood
イ:(A) tired (B) understood
ウ:(A) worried (B) encouraged
エ:(A) tired (B) encouraged


問1 イ

Just before finishing something, I always worry about it.を参照。

問2 エ

I made a good speech and got a prize in the contest.を参照。

問3 ア

I ran than beforeを参照。

問4 エ

Just before finishing the picture, I got very worried.を参照。

問5 ウ

you’ll be able to finish your pictureを参照。

問6 イ


問7 ウ


大問4 読解問題



Nanami was a first-year high school student. One Friday in September, an *exchange student, Grace, came to her school from Canada, and she began to stay at Nanami’s house.
That evening, Nanami held a welcome party for Grace with her family. Before the party, Nanami asked her, “Can you eat sushi?” Nanami knew that sushi was one of the most famous Japanese foods among people in other countries. Grace said she could eat it. Nanami did her best to make many kinds of sushi. At the party, Nanami said, “I hope that you like this. Please enjoy it.” Grace ate some salad, French fries, and some vegetable sushi without *raw fish. But she ate only a little sushi with raw fish. Nanami was disappointed to see that. Nanami asked her, “How about the sushi with raw fish?” She said, “It’s delicious.” After the party, Nanami said, “I’m afraid you didn’t eat much sushi with raw fish.” Grace said, “I’m sorry about that.” Grace looked sad. Nanami wanted to make her happy, so she said to her, “How about going to an amusement park tomorrow?” Grace said, “That’s nice. I would like to do that.” Nanami was happy to hear that. Nanami’s mother came and said to Nanami, “I think Grace is tired. You and she should go to bed.”
The next day, Nanami took Grace to an amusement park. They rode a roller coaster there. Nanami enjoyed it very much. But Grace didn’t smile at all. When Nanami saw her face, she felt a little sad. On her way home, Nanami thought, “Am I the only one who enjoyed the amusement park?” That night, Nanami wondered in her bed, “How can I make her happy?”
On Thursday of the next week, Nanami wanted to talk with someone about Grace. She remembered her neighbor, Taiga. He was a second-year high school student at *the same school as Nanami. After school, she went to his classroom. He told Nanami about his experience of staying with a *host family in Australia. He said, “One of my host family members, John, took me to an aquarium because it was one of the most famous places in the city, and also it was his favorite place. I enjoyed watching sea animals there, but actually, I wanted to see koalas in a zoo. I didn’t tell him that at the aquarium because he was so kind.” And he said, “Maybe Grace felt like me.” After Nanami heard about Taiga’s experience, she decided to talk with Grace when she got home.
That night, Nanami said to Grace, “Grace, I’m really sorry that I couldn’t help you enjoy your first week in Japan.” Grace said, “Don’t worry about that, Nanami. I’m sorry about the welcome party. I don’t like raw fish. But I was *embarrassed to tell you that. At the amusement park, I was also embarrassed to tell you that I didn’t like to ride roller coasters. Next time, let’s talk and decide where to go together.” Nanami said, “Thank you, Grace. Is there something you want to do this Sunday?” Grace said, “Sure. I would like to go shopping with you to buy souvenirs.” Nanami said, “OK. There is a nice department store near the station. I often go there. Do you want to go with me?” Grace said, “Yes, I do.” Nanami’s mother was listening to them, and she smiled.
Three days later, they went to the department store. Nanami said, “Grace, what do you want to buy?” Grace said, “I want something that will help me remember Japan.” Nanami said, “OK. How about buying two cups to use at home?” Grace said, “That’s nice. Let’s buy them. Nanami, I have another idea. I want to buy two small bags.” Nanami said, “Why do you want two bags?” Grace said, “I want to use something which is the same as yours every day. I want to put my lunch box in a small bag and to bring it to school every day. I want you to do the same thing.” Nanami said, “That’s a good idea. I want to do that, too. Let’s buy two bags.” When they got back home, they showed the cups and the bags to Nanami’s mother. She said, “You look like sisters.” Nanami and Grace looked at each other and smiled. Nanami hoped that their *relationship would always be good.

(注)exchange student 交換留学生 raw 生の the same ~ as … …と同じ~ host family ホストファミリー embarrassed 恥ずかしい relationship 関係


Nanami was disappointed to see that.の内容を次のように書き表すとすれば、【 】の中に、下のどれを入れるのがよいか。
Nanami was disappointed because 【 】.

ア:Grace ate only a little sushi with raw fish
イ:Grace ate all of the sushi with raw fish, and Nanami couldn’t eat any of it
ウ:Grace didn’t know that sushi was one of the most famous Japanese foods
エ:Grace didn’t like vegetables sushi without raw fish



ア:On Thursday night, Nanami’s mother was listening to Nanami and Grace.
イ:Nanami wanted to talk with someone about Grace and remembered her neighbor, Taiga.
ウ:When Nanami’s mother told Nanami and Grace that they looked like sisters, they smiled.
エ:One Friday evening in September, Nanami held a welcome party for Grace with her family.


次の(1)~(3)の文を、本文の内容と合うように完成するには、【 】の中に、それぞれ下のどれを入れるのがよいか。

(1)After the welcome party on Friday, Nanami told Grace that 【 】.
ア:she was happy to make sushi for Grace
イ:she wanted to take Grace to an amusement park
ウ:she was sad to hear her mother’s advice
エ:she wanted Grace to go to bed early

(2)Before Nanami went to sleep on Saturday, 【 】.
ア:she wondered how she could make Grace happy
イ:she wondered why she was the only person to see Grace’s smile
ウ:she thought that going to the amusement park with Grace made her tired
エ:she thought that riding a roller coaster with Grace helped them enjoy the amusement park

(3)When John took Taiga to the aquarium, 【 】.
ア:Taiga told him about the experience of staying in Australia
イ:Taiga talked with him about Taiga’s favorite places in Australia
ウ:Taiga didn’t tell him that he actually wanted to see koalas in a zoo
エ:Taiga didn’t enjoy watching sea animals with his host family



(1)At the welcome party, why did Grace tell Nanami that the sushi with raw fish was delicious ?
ア:Because Nanami knew that Grace could eat sushi with raw fish.
イ:Because she was embarrassed to tell Nanami that she didn’t like raw fish.
ウ:Because, before coming to Japan, she was asked by Nanami about raw fish.
エ:Because she was enjoying her first week in Japan very much with her host family.

(2)What did Nanami and Grace want to do with some things that they bought at the department store ?
ア:They wanted to give the bags to Nanami’s mother after they showed them to her.
イ:They wanted to use the cups and the bags at school to make their relationship better.
ウ:They wanted to use the cups every day at home because that would help Nanami remember Grace.
エ:They wanted to put their lunch boxes in the bags and bring them to school every day.


問1 ア

she ate only a little sushi with raw fishを参照。

問2 エ→イ→ア→ウ


問3 (1)イ (2)ア (3)ウ


問4 (1)イ (2)エ




受付時間:10:00~22:00 /土日祝もOK
















受付時間:10:00~22:00 /土日祝もOK











