











(1)次の英文(a)・(b)の意味が通るように,( )に最も適するものを,それぞれア~エから1つずつ選びなさい。
(a)In Japan, winter is usually from ( ) to February.
ア July
イ April
ウ December
エ September

(b)My brother is a good chef, and he ( )at a famous restaurant.
ア uses
イ works
ウ invites
エ writes

(2)次の対話文(a)~(c)を読んで,【 】に最も適するものを,それぞれア ~エから1つずつ選びなさい。
A:I like this singer. Do you know her name?
B:【 】
A:Her name is Takako. She is popular in Japan right now.
ア Yes, I do.
イ Yes, she is.
ウ No, I don’t.
エ No, she is not.

A:Good morning, Atsushi. Oh, you look tired.
B:Yes, my family visited my grandfather by car yesterday. He lives in Kyoto.
A:By car? That’s a long way! So, 【 】
B:11 p.m., so I didn’t have much time to sleep.
ア when did you get home?
イ what did you buy there?
ウ what time did he leave home?
エ why did he live there?

A:Excuse me. Do you need any help?
B:Yes, please. I want to go to this park. Where am I on this map?
A:Let’s see. 【 】 It takes only five minutes from here.
ア I don’t know where it is.
イ I should go down this street.
ウ You can ask anyone else.
エ We are near this temple.

(3)次の対話が成り立つように,( )の中のア~工を並べかえなさい。
A:Wow! There are a lot of CDs in your room. Are they all yours?
B:Yes,(ア to イ makes ウ listening エ music)me happy.


(1)(a) 【正答 ウ】
(1)(b) 【正答 イ】

(2)(a) 【正答 ウ
(2)(b) 【正答 ア】
(2)(c) 【正答 エ】

(3) 【正答 ウ→ア→エ→イ】



受付時間:10:00~22:00 /土日祝もOK











次の表は,市のタウンガイドに書かれている催し物の一部である。また,英文は,中学生のなみ(Nami)さんと,クラスメートのりょうた(Ryota)さんが,なみさんの家にホームステイをしている中学生のジュディ(Judy)さんと,このタウンガイドを見ながら交わしている会話の一部である。 これを読んで,(1)~(3)に答えなさい。

参加費:5 0 0円

Nami:Look! This event held in Sakura Town in our city next Saturday looks interesting. Judy : Really? What does it say?
Ryota:You can try making soba. Sakura Town is famous for it.
Judy:Oh, I’ve wanted to try some things that I can only experience in Japan during my homestay.
Nami:And ①【can】 a traditional Japanese house.
Ryota:I’ve been there once with my parents. We enjoyed local dishes there.
Judy:It looks fun. Is there anything I should know?
Ryota:Well, you don’t have to ②【lunch】. You can eat the soba you make. Also, you need 500 yen to join the event.
Judy:Great. Will you join me?
Ryota:I’d like to, but I can’t. I have an important tennis game on August 7.
Nami:I can go with you. I want to learn some new and interesting things about our city.
Ryota:Please tell me about it when you come back. Judy : Of course we will, Ryota.
(注) local 地元の

(1)会話が成り立つように, ①【can】には2語,②【lunch】には1語の英語を補って, 正しい語順で英文を完成させなさい。

(2)なみさん, りょうたさんとジュディさんの会話の内容と合うものをア~エから1つ選びなさい。
ア Judy is interested in studying about Japanese art in Japan.
イ The town is popular because people can enjoy tennis there.
ウ Ryota already has a plan to go to the town to eat local dishes.
工 Nami thinks she’ll learn more about her city through this event.

(3)表に書かれていることのうち,なみさん,りょうたさんとジュディさんの会話でふれられていない情報がいくつかあった。 ふれられていない情報を1つ選び, あなたがジュディさんなら, その情報を知るために, なみさんに何と尋ねるか, 英文1文で書きなさい。


(1)① 【正答 you can visit】
(1)② 【正答 bring lunch】

(2) 【正答 エ】

(3) 【正答 (例)Whattime will the event start ?】




The Things I Learned at Camp
 Last summer, I joined this international exchange program. This program gave me a chance to change myself. 【ア】
 During this program, I planned parties and camps with people from other countries and of different ages. I was afraid of expressing myself, and I didn’t know what to do. One older member told me, “Everyone has something special they can do. 【イ】 Why don’t you try to find the thing that makes you special?” I like music, so I decided to play the guitar for everyone. At one of the camps, I played the guitar. Then everyone started singing. It was really amazing, and I was very glad to see their happy faces. 【ウ】 After the camp, we enjoyed talking about the things we like.
 By showing everyone the things I like, I could express myself and talk with the others. I was able to change my world a little. I think you have something special too. Why don’t you try to find it? 【エ】

(注) camp(s) キャンプ exchange 交流 myself 私自身 age(s) 年齢 express ~を表現する

(1)次の英文は, 本文中から抜き出したものである。 この英文を入れる最も適切なところを, 本文中の【ア】~ 【エ】から選びなさい。
You will have a lot of fun experiences.

(2)ブライアンさんが本文中で一番伝えたいことはどのようなことか, 最も適するものを, ア~エから選びなさい。
ア Don’t be afraid of expressing yourself.
イ Don’t be afraid of meeting new people.
ウ Let’s try to make new friends.
エ Let’s try to play an instrument.

(3)ウェブサイトの文章を読んで興味をもったあなたは, ブライアンさんのブログを見つけた。そこで,ブライアンさんの次のような質問を見つけたあなたは,返事を投稿することにした。2 つの質問に対するあなたの答えを,15語以上 25語以内の英語で書きなさい。ただし,数を書く場合は数字ではなく英語で書くこととし,文の数はいくつでもよい。また,符号は語数に含めない。

Your friends from abroad will come to your town. What do you want to do with them? What do you want them to learn from the experience?


(1) 【正答 エ】

(2) 【正答 ア】

(3) 【正答 (例)I like anime, so I want to watch Japanese anime with them. I want them to learn about the good points of J apanese anime. 】




 When you eat something, can you eat all of it? What do you do when you aren’t able to eat everything? Do you throw it away? Today I’d like to talk about the problem of food waste.
 One day in summer, when I came back home from school, my grandmother was cooking something. “What are you doing, Grandmother?” I asked. She said, “Oh, Mie. I’m trying to make a dish from these vegetables. Yesterday we couldn’t eat all of these vegetables for dinner. If we can use them to make another dish, we don’t have to waste them.” I said, “That’s a lot of work. Throwing them away is 【①】than that.” She said, “Throwing them away is mottainai! We have to stop food waste.”
 ”Food waste?” I learned about it in class, but I wasn’t interested. My grandmother continued, “Japanese people theow away more than 6,000,000 tons of food that can still be eaten every year, but there are a lot of people who don’t have enough, food in Japan and around the world. We also waste a lot of energy and water to produce food.” I asked, “I’m trying to be careful, but I sometimes buy too much food. 【②】” She answered, “Oh, you can do a lot of things. Many people have already started doing something about this problem. For example do you know about food banks? How about visiting one together?”
 The next Sunday, my grandmother and I visited a food bank in our city. I asked the people there, “What are food banks doing about the problem of food waste?” A woman told me, “One of our goals is to stop food waste. We should not throw away food when there are people who don’t have enough food. Also, burning the food we waste is bad for the Earth. If you give food you don’t need to us, we will give it to other people. Then you don’t have to throw it away.” I asked her, “Are there any other ways to stop wasting food?” She answered, “Some volunteers visit restaurants in their cities and ask them to stop wasting food. Others hold cooking events in their towns to show people how to cook without wasting food. We have the same goals and are doing a lot of things.”
 I am now more interested in the problem of food waste. My grandmother and I make dishes from the parts of vegetables that we often throw away. Look at this poster. This shows how to make some dishes. I hope you’ll make and enjoy them.
 I’ll tell you some things you can try when you buy and eat food. First, you can stop buying too much food. You should check how much food you have at home before going shopping. Second, you can stop cooking too much food. Third, you can try to learn how to make many kinds of dishes to enjoy food in different ways. You can start with easy things. Let’s enjoy eating, and let’s enjoy eating without wasting food.

(注)throw ~ away ~を捨てる food waste 食品ロス vegetable(s) 野菜 waste ~を無駄にする ton(s) トン food bank(s) フードバンク burn ~を燃やす poster ポスター

(1)次の(a) ・ (b)の問いに対する答えを, それぞれ3語以上の英文1文で書きなさい。 ただし,符号は語数に含めない。
(a)Did Mie become interested in food waste when she first learned about it?
(b)What do the volunteers do when they hold cooking events in their towns?

(2)本文の内容に合うように, 【①】に最も適する1語の英語を書きなさい。

(3)みえさんとおばあさんの対話が,自然なやり取りになるように,【②】に4語以上の英語を入れて,質問文1文を完成させなさい。 ただし, 符号は語数に含めない。

(4)本文の内容に合うように,次の英文の【 】に最も適するものをア~エから選びなさい。
At the food bank, Mie found that people 【 】to stop food waste.
ア were trying to produce food to cook and eat at home
イ were visiting and talking to restaurants in their communities
ウ wanted to learn how to sell the food that they did not eat at home
エ wanted to burn the food that they did not eat in a better way

(5)次の英文は みえさんと留学生のダニエル(Daniel)さんの対話の一部である。対話が成り立つように,【ⓐ】には最も適するものをア~エから選び,【ⓑ】には最も適する3語の英語を本文中から抜き出して書きなさい。

Daniel: Your story was interesting. I’ll try to make the dishes on your poster, and I want to learn【ⓐ】.
Mie:I’m very glad to hear that. I talked about this problem because I wanted more people to think about it and start doing something.
Daniel:Right. If we want to have the power to change something in our communities, it’s important to make friends who have 【ⓑ】 and work together.
Mie:I think so, too. Thank you, Daniel.

ア how to stop wasting food
イ where to throw away food
ウ which food store to visit
エ what food to produce

ア When Mie got home, her grandmother was cooking for people at food banks.
イ Mie heard that a lot of food which was still good to eat was wasted in Japan.
ウ A woman at the food bank was worried about the problem of energy and water.
エ Mie’s friends asked her to make a poster about the problem of food waste.
オ Mie thought that students were too young to do anything good for the Earth.
カ Knowing many different ways of cooking food is a way to stop food waste.


(1)(a) 【正答 No, she didn’t.】
(1)(b) 【正答 They show people how to cook without wastingfood.】

(2) 【正答 easier】

(3) 【正答 What can I do about it?】

(4) 【正答 イ】

(5)ⓐ 【正答 ア】
(5)ⓑ 【正答 the same goals】

(6) 【正答 イ,カ】









受付時間:10:00~22:00 /土日祝もOK











